\(C = \dfrac{εA}{s}\)

Area (A)
Permittivity F/m
Separation Distance (s)

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Our Capacitance Calculator Online is your gateway to precision in the realm of capacitance calculations. Unleash the power of accurate capacitance determination effortlessly, as this tool becomes your companion in navigating the intricate landscapes of electrical engineering. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic learner, our Capacitance Calculator stands ready to simplify complexities and provide you with the exact Capacitance values you seek.

What is a Capacitance Calculator?

A capacitance calculator is a tool or device, often in the form of a software application or online tool, designed to assist in determining the capacitance of a capacitor in an electrical circuit like our sse calculator. Capacitance is a measure of a capacitor's ability to store electrical charge, and this calculator simplifies the process of finding the capacitance value by taking relevant input parameters, such as the area of the capacitor plates, the distance between them, and the dielectric constant of the material, into account.

What is the Formula of Capacitance Calculator:

The foundation of capacitance calculation lies in a simple formula:



C is the capacitance,

Q is the stored charge, and

V is the voltage across the capacitor.

Units of Capacitance

Capacitance is measured in farads (F), named after the renowned scientist Michael Faraday. However, farads are relatively large units for everyday electronic components like our fraction calculator online. Therefore, subunits such as microfarads (μF) and picofarads (pF) are more commonly used. The conversion is as follows:


Example of Capacitance Calculator

Certainly! Let's consider a simple example of calculating the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. The formula for capacitance (C) of a parallel plate capacitor is given by:

C = ε ⋅ A / d


  • C is the capacitance,

  • ε is the permittivity of the material between the plates,

  • A is the area of one of the capacitor plates, and

  • d is the separation between the plates.

Let's assume the following values for our example:

  • Permittivity (ε): 8.85 × 10-12 F/m (permittivity of free space)

  • Area of one plate A: 0.01m2

  • The separation between plates d: 0.001m

Now, let's plug these values into the formula:

C = 8.85 × 10-12F/m0.01m2 / 0.001

Calculating this expression will give us the capacitance (C)in farads. Let's do the math:

C = 8.85 × 10-12F/m0.01m2 / 0.001

C = 8.85 × 10-14F / 0.001

C = 8.85 × 10-11F

So, in this example, the capacitance of the parallel plate capacitor is 8.85 × 10^-11 farads.

Table of Capacitance Calculator

Certainly! Let's create a table for a capacitance calculator online example with different sets of values. We'll use the formula C = ε⋅A / d, and for simplicity, we'll assume the permittivity (ε) to be the permittivity of free space (8.85 ×10-12F/m).

Formula Table

Example ε (F/m) ε A (m2) ε d (m) ε C (F)
1 8.85×10−12 0.01 0.001 8.85 x 10{-11}
1 8.85×10−12 0.01 0.001 8.85 x 10{-11}
2 8.85×10-12 0.02 0.0005 1.77 x 10{-10}


Example 1:

C = 8.85×10-12⋅0.01 / 0.001

= 8.85×10-11F

Example 2:

C = 8.85×10-12⋅0.005 / 0.002

​= 4.425×10-11F

Example 3:

C = 8.85×10-12⋅0.02 / 0.0005

= 1.77×10-11F

Feel free to change the values in the table according to your specific scenarios or requirements.


How do you calculate capacitance?

It is measured in units of Farad (F). The general capacitance formula is given by C = Q V, where C is the capacitance of the element, Q is the magnitude of the charge held on the element, and V is the potential difference across the circuit element like our dBm to watts calculator.

what is the difference between capacitor and capacitance?

Capacitor:A capacitor is a physical electronic component that stores electrical energy in an electric field. It typically consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material (dielectric). The capacitor is designed to store and release electrical charge when connected to a circuit.

capacitance: Capacitance, on the other hand, is a property of the capacitor. It is a measure of the ability of a capacitor to store electrical charge per unit voltage. In simpler terms, capacitance quantifies how much charge a capacitor can store for a given potential difference (voltage) across its terminals. The unit of capacitance is the farad (F).

What is an example of a capacitance?

As an example, if a capacitor with a capacitance of 3 farads is connected to a 5-volt battery, then each conducting plate would have charge q = CV or q = (3 farads)x(5 volts) = 15 Coulombs of charge on each conducting plate.

Why increase capacitance?

Capacitors store electrical energy in the form of an electric field. Increasing capacitance allows for the storage of more energy like a wave speed frequency calculator, which can be useful in applications such as power supply smoothing and energy storage systems.